A Travellerspoint blog

Exploring Ancestral Waters on Leap Day

February 29, 2024

Today is Leap Day which falls on February 29, and occurs every four years in what is known as a leap year. This calendar oddity is essential to keep our calendar in sync with the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The reason behind leap years lies in the fact that it takes Earth approximately 365.242190 days to complete one orbit, slightly longer than the 365-day calendar year we follow. Without leap years, our seasons would gradually drift, causing significant disruptions over time.

It's because of ancient Roman history that Leap Day falls in February. It's mostly that the Romans didn't really like February very much according to Ben Gold, a professor of astronomy and physics. In the 8th century BC, the calendar was just 10 months long, with the Romans considering winter to be all one period not divided into months. Eventually, the Romans established January and February, and February, the final month, had the fewest days. Julius Caesar then adjusted the calendar to line it up with the sun, and added Leap Day via decree. That still didn't fully account for the difference in time, though. That wouldn't be fixed for hundreds more years.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII adopted the Gregorian calendar, which we now use, and specified that all years that can be divided by four are leap years, with the exception of century years, which would have to be divisible by 400 to be considered leap years — so while 2000 was a leap year, 2100 and 2200 will not be.


I am thrilled that this year presents 366 "Opportunities." For more than ten years, I have been a passionate Genealogist, actively engaging in the well-known international event for family history enthusiasts called RootsTech. Due to difficulties attending in Salt Lake City this week, I will be participating virtually, courtesy of Elon Musk's "Starlink." This virtual opportunity will enable me to delve into genealogy during this leap year, combining adventure and heritage in a unique way.

By the end of 2024, my goal is to achieve accreditation in the field of genealogy. To accomplish this, I am dedicating most of my time at sea to studying. Simultaneously, I am trying to establish the relationship between my newly-discovered third cousin in Germany and me on my paternal side. This endeavor coincides with my ongoing effort to trace my great-grandfather Friedrich Schwerman's parents, which I have been working on for over two decades. If any of my fellow genealogist who read my blog have any insight into the matter it would be greatly appreciated. Here's a diagram of the "Dilemna":


In the meantime, I encourage all of you to make the most of this additional "Opportunity" in a productive way today. Enjoy Leap Day - February 29, 2024!

Posted by Where2FromHere 18:18

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