Traveling thru Time
Crossing the International Date Line
03.01.2024 - 02.02.2024
Around the World! - Part 2
& Around the World! - Part 1
on Where2FromHere's travel map.
The International Date Line (IDL) is a longitudinal line that runs roughly along the 180th meridian of longitude in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It serves as the 180th meridian and is an imaginary line that separates one day from the next. The IDL was initially proposed by astronomers from 25 countries at a conference in 1884 and took until the early 1900s to become standardized globally. After a few adjustments, the position of the Date Line was formalized in 1921
Crossing the IDL can be a unique experience, as it involves gaining or losing a day depending on the direction of travel. Traveling westward across the IDL results in gaining a day, while traveling eastward results in losing a day. We're the later case, we've lost March 1st!
So even though we gained a day this year on February 29th .. we just lost March 1st .. Does that mean we're back to 365 days and have lost the "Opportunity" I mentioned yesterday?? Whichever it is, as always, make the most of your day. As I've said many times, " no one is promised tommorow!"
Posted by Where2FromHere 19:14