A Travellerspoint blog

What's wrong with this picture?

0.79804 N / 119.09166 E en route to Manila, Philippines

Early this morning we moved into the Northern Hemisphere again. We are just above the equator at .79804 degrees North at 7AM. It's another day at sea as we head to the Philippines.


I'm baffled by what it takes for us to enter the countries of Australia, Indonesia and now the Philippines, especially after watching the news from the back home today.

In Australia, we had to have an e-visa attached to our US Passport to enter their country.
While Indonesia required a QR code matching information on our passport prior to entering their country. This confirmed we were visitors and how long we planned to be in their country.
And, in preparation for entering the Philippines, everyone onboard the ship had to have thermal imaging in order to enter the country as a visitor.

In the USA (Hawaii), it was the only place so far that we, as citizens of our own country, were required to show an government issued ID to leave Hawaii and return to our ship!! Astonishing! Perhaps if we entered through a Northern or Southern border it would not have been required to regain entry!!

And today, we watched the news as thousands of NON-US citizens entered the USA by literally "bull-dozing" down the Immigration and Customs Officials. It's hard for us to imagine what would have happened to us, as we head into the sovereign countries abroad as visitors, if we had attempted the same on foreign soil!

At the town hall meeting today, we learned of all the requirements, and documentation, with or without Visas, to enter Hong Kong, Japan and China. Very strict regulations required to leave the ship in these countries.

It's so interesting what foreign countries are doing to protect their borders while we, apparently could care less ... that is unless you are already a US citizen and then you need to show PROOF! Why? Are we considered "dangerous" or "undesirable" - apparently so. Not an opinion ... Just a fact. WOW - What's wrong with this picture?!

Posted by Where2FromHere 02:10

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