A Travellerspoint blog

The Best things about Travel ....

See new places, Meet new friends, Enrich your life ....

I just read one of the most appropriate sayings I've come across about Travel ...

"If you're happy, travel to celebrate" ... I'm so happy to have our FREEDOM back to go where we want, when we want, without government contraints.

If you're sad, travel to forget"...Today we remember those who fought so we could be free, I'm sure there are many sad families whose loved ones gave their lives so we could live in AMERICA .. home of the brave - land of the FREE - let's not forget their sacrifices!

"If nothing is happening, travel to make something happen"

Well, something's happening next week!! We're escaping the snowy weather of Wyoming in late June/early July, and we're headed on a trip that's been postponed for two years. Can't wait to see and taste Tuscany... Hope you'll join us on the long-awaited adventure. Italy, Here we Come!

Posted by Where2FromHere 03:22 Archived in USA Tagged travel it to make celebrate forget happen freedom.

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