A Travellerspoint blog

Blending Basil, Olive Oil and Croatian Flavors

Split, Croatia

View Around the World! - Part 3 on Where2FromHere's travel map.


Our journey today took us into the mountainous region surrounding Split, Croatia. The scenery was breathtaking, transitioning from coastal vistas to the quaint town of Klis. We marveled at the impressive fortress, strategically positioned atop a solitary rocky outcrop with sheer cliffs on three sides, offering commanding views of the coastline below. We also were surprised to see the remnants of ancient aqueducts - both the fortress and these water systems are standing as enduring testaments to the Roman presence that once dominated this area.


Nestled in the heart of olive country lies a true gem for culinary enthusiasts. From the moment we stepped off the bus we were greeted by the rich aromas of freshly baked goods and the promise of a unique experience that tantalizes the senses. Today we participated in literally every step of the cooking process, as we even picked the greens from the gardens at Stella Corsico and then used it to prepare a traditional pesto with rich extra virgin olive oil. Of course, we also enjoyed a few glasses of the local wine.



The gardens surrounding the classroom were stunning, featuring a variety of colorful flowers that attracted busy bee pollinators. Decorative elements tastefully placed throughout the grounds enhanced the natural beauty of the landscape.


Croatia's vibrant beauty continues to dazzle, painting life with fresh hues of wonder. And tomorrow these "Foodies" will enjoy yet another taste of this amazing country!

Posted by Where2FromHere 05:58 Archived in Croatia

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