A Travellerspoint blog

Simply "Marbelous"

Corrara, Italy

View Around the World! - Part 3 on Where2FromHere's travel map.

Perhaps the world's most famous marble quarries are in the Tuscan town of Carrara. Michelangelo himself traveled to these valleys to pick out the marble that he would work into his masterpieces. The towns of the region are dominated by marble. Even the sidewalks were marble slabs. The quarries higher up are vast digs that dwarf the hardworking trucks and machinery traveling about the excavation sites that have been in operation since Roman times. The area landscape is visually striking, with the white marble quaries visible on the nearby Apuan Alps, creating a unique contrast against the mountains.



Coastal proximity: Carrara is close to the Ligurian Sea, offering easy access to beautiful beaches and coastal towns. What a spectacle we saw today when hundreds of sailboats left the area heading out of the breakwater alongside our ship.


I was reminded of my college days at Madison, WI, where I learned to sail in similar crafts on Lake Mendota, as well as Jeff's styrofoam boat that we sailed with on Wind Lake and Lake Beulah as teens. Wow, those were the days!

Posted by Where2FromHere 14:00 Archived in Italy

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