A Travellerspoint blog

Good Times in the Old Town

Tallinn, Estonia

View Around the World! - Part 4 on Where2FromHere's travel map.

Estonia has long stood apart with a unique language - only one of four EU tongues not to have and Indo-European root. It has survived all that history has thrown at it, whether it be occupation by Sweden, the Nazis or the Soviet Union and is now in its 4th decade of independence. It is at once both fantastically modern and charmingly old fashioned. We had what Jeff likes to refer to as a "Land-Sea Day" - it's a relaxing, laid back day as if we are at sea, but we're doing so on land. We walked through the town of Tallinn and enjoyed the chance to do so without time constraints.



A few unexpected sites - the "lady" cow [Jeffs says Kim always called his cows "the girls"] and the poster reflecting Estonian's feelings about Russia's Putin.


Posted by Where2FromHere 11:39 Archived in Estonia

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Love these signs! Makes me think of Victoria. I think I'll share this blog post with her as I know she'll feel the same way, especially being back home again now and trying to succeed as a Female OB/GYN in Ukraine.

by Carii Liberto

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