A Travellerspoint blog

Danish Design Lovers' Paradise

Aarhus, Denmark

View Around the World! - Part 4 on Where2FromHere's travel map.


In our youth, Jeff and I fell head over heels for Danish furniture. We'd spend hours at the Scandinavian Design store in Racine, Wisconsin, admiring pieces that captured our hearts but eluded our budgets. Our first venture into this world of elegance was at Hans Hanson's shop, where we acquired the siesta chair that became the centerpiece of our first apartment. Danish design, renowned globally for its sleek lines and sophistication, was definitely our style. Our recent visit to Aarhus only reaffirmed our continued admireation for the simplicity, functionality, and elegance that are the hallmarks of Danish craftsmanship.
Aarhus, Denmark, is often described as a meeting place for history buffs and art enthusiasts alike. Allow me to guide you through a brief walking tour, highlighting some of the fascinating discoveries we made while exploring this charming Danish town:

  • Sculpture of the hard working men -


  • A unique parking structure under the new library. (Talk about functional! One simply pulls into an alcove and the vehicle is taken by robotics to the parking level below. When you're ready to leave, you enter a code, insert your credit card, and your car is brought back up to the stall) -


  • Impressive street art on buildings -


  • Sculptures, including the Poseidon by A-kassen who dropped molten bronze into the water, then removed the pieces, found the most interesting form and created the sculture by expanding on the size of the unique piece -


  • The restored Custom House -


  • The Opera House with the sculpture that appears to be emerging from or descending into the roof -


  • Water Fountain with bursts of water raising and falling unexpectedly to the delight of young and old alike -


  • Danish Cafes complete with delicious dishes and Danish silverware -


  • And sailing ships, both young and old -


As we journey through various destinations, Jeff and I often ponder which places we might call home if things became so unpalatable that we'd chose to leave the USA. Initially, Denmark's 47.5% tax rate seemed to disqualify it from our list of potential new homes. However, with the Democrat party proposing tax rates as high as 80% for middle-class citizens, Denmark's fiscal policy suddenly appears more attractive. Who knows? This charming country might just find its way back onto our list of possible future residences.

Posted by Where2FromHere 08:45 Archived in Denmark

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