A Travellerspoint blog

Majestic Mother Nature at her Best

Prins Christian Sund - Greenland

Our experiences with Mother Nature over the past couple of days has been amazing - from hurrican force winds to lava eruptions. Here's a photo of how the crew decided to battan down the hatches and prevent the coffee machine from flying off the counter during 80 mph winds, and another taken by a fellow world traveler who went within 3 miles of the lava flow:


Then morning, we were greeted by the breathtaking sight of a majestic glacier right outside our balcony!


The captain sailed around the entire chunk of ice so we could observe it from every angle.

Next our ship transported us into the amazingly beautiful Prins Christian Sund fjord in the south of Greenland. The steep mountains reaching heights of over 2, 200 meters, the amazing rock formations, the crystal clear waterfalls and reflections in the icy blue water were awe-inspiring.


Our captain artfully dodged the icebergs, while we crawled through the narrow passageway until our path was blocked by an immense glacier. We sat on deck 12 outdoors blocked from the wind by the Skybar and enjoyed the marvelous sights on both the starboard and port sides of the ship .. while sipping on a glass of Merlot. The weather cooperated fully with a beautiful, crisp, clear sunshiny day.


As a special treat our captain dispatched three crewmembers out to take a photo of our ship from sea level - we might have to get a copy of that one!


As dusk approached and mist began to gather, we departed the tranquil waters of the sound. En route, we passed a lone sailboat embarking on its own journey through this slice of paradise. Our day in this awe-inspiring natural sanctuary had been nothing short of spectacular.


Posted by Where2FromHere 08:53 Archived in Greenland

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