A Travellerspoint blog

Finding the Dragon in the Cave ...

in Palma de Mallorca

View Wandering on the Wonder on Where2FromHere's travel map.

So today we went to the largest European underground lake in the Island of Mallorca. We got there early in the day and not only was there a beautiful coastline but also an impressive sun rise.


The cave was named as a result of folks long ago who thought a dragon lived in the cave - until one brave explorer found it was a huge underground lake with many species taking shelter there.


After our walk through the cave viewing stalactites and stalagmites and crystal clear water, we were seated to listen to a brief concert of classical music and then boarded boats to leave the cave.


It was really nice to be in the crisp, cool cave and escape the beastly, hot humid weather in Spain.

Posted by Where2FromHere 13:16 Archived in Spain Tagged de mallorca palma

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