A Travellerspoint blog

"Anchors Away" in Anticipation

12.63582 North / -64.37964 West en route to BARBADOS

Traveling at 15 knots (17.26 mph) and headed to tomorrow's port of Barbados


Meanwhile in anticipation of the Christmas Holiday the ship is looking rather festive with a beautiful tree in the Centrum and Gingerbread houses in the Windjammer Cafe.

I'm wearing my traditional pin this holiday season ... perhaps you've seen it already, but if not - you'll need to guess it's meaning: 20231219_211410.jpg

Meanwhile, our friends back home have a tradition of their own to uphold. This year Kim, Dean and Dapper put our horse "The Gray" .. aka "Mr. Ed or Eddy" to use. He brought Santa into the Steamboat Ski area so all the children could tell the big man in red all the things they were hoping he'll bring them on Christmas Day.


I've heard he was well-behaved ["The Gray" that is - not sure about Santa!]

Posted by Where2FromHere 01:44 Archived in USA

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love the Christmas deco and what a lovely gesture! quite original with the horses. Love it!

by Ils1976

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