Seas & Greetings!
- 0.00146 South / -43.35192 West .. AT THE EQUATOR .. en route to Fortaleza, Brazil
12.24.2023 - 12.25.2023
Lots of festivities on the ship over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Caroling by the crew and guests. I participated in a secret Elf book exchange and received What if? by Randall Munroe, Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions. I plan to donate it to the ship after I'm done reading it. I was actually productive and spent 4 hours practicing for my accreditation genealogy test I will take upon our return next year.
Christmas Eve was a formal night and look at the transformation to this guy:
We dined at Giovanni's and really enjoyed the food and the hospitality. Here's a few mouth-watering photos of just few of our choices.
The evening show sent us back to our teen age years. It was a group sing all our favorite Beatles songs .. funny coincidence: I recall riding my bike in February 1964 to go to Atlantic Mills to buy the first album. At that time my parents were traveling in South America!
And look what happened while we were out of our cabin - Santa paid a visit and left us this nice Christmas gift.
Christmas Day was not only relaxing but also eventful. We celebrated as we crossed the equator into the Southern Hemisphere.
Such a momentous occasion! The captain blew the ship's horn once when our bow crossed from North to South and once when the stern crossed. And then Jeff surprised me with a gift he knew I wanted .. a pair of sunglasses, and not just any sunglasses, these are Meteor by Ray-Ban which have audio and a camera stored within them. My grand-nephew, Jack, told me about them when we were in Wisconsin and my conniving husband arranged to buy them and get them all the way here, with the help of my brother, Jack, without my knowledge. Can't wait to try them out! Hope you got everything on your wish list and had a very Merry Christmas!!!
Posted by Where2FromHere 09:51
Jack is wearing his sunglasses on a cruise this week too!! Have fun with them!
by Jenny Molaison